The real benefits of sports

The real benefits of sports

Today, sport, as one of the social institutions, occupies a significant place in the life of society. It attracts a huge number of people, colossal financial resources, therefore it is closely connected with other areas of public life. It can be said that Sport has become an integral part of modern culture, but the understanding of sport has deviated far from what it really is.

Such an understanding of sport brings great damage to its true value for the benefit of man. Gradually spent its unconditional positive traits. First of all, it is a purely physical benefit.

For example, here are some useful properties of a regular daily run. In the activity of the cardiovascular system, the following reaction is observed: the pulse accelerates (by 40 – 50% of the initial value) and the difference between the minimum and maximum and blood pressure increases quite a lot. This increase in blood pressure indicates an increase in the stroke volume of the heart. As a result, the volume of blood also increases.

For a certain unit of time, tissues and organs receive more units of blood enriched with oxygen molecules, and their functioning improves. Medicine today widely uses therapeutic swimming and contributes to its development, since the benefits of swimming for both a healthy and a sick person can hardly be overestimated. Sport supports health, which is a gift from God and which we should value.

However, it is not enough to consider sports competitions only in the context of improving the physical capabilities of a person. Competitions, for example, in chess, are also considered sports, but they concern the intellectual sphere. From this we can conclude that sport is the development of all human qualities, both physical and intellectual.